Projects - Reyburn & Bryant

The Hatea Loop and associated projects, Whangarei
Categories: Projects, Civic

The Hatea Loop and associated projects, Whangarei

Client: Whangarei District Council

Project: The development of the Hatea loop walkway adjacent to the Hatea river and associated features including Te Matau a Pohe, the canopy bridge, the pocket park, Kotuitui Whitinga pedestrian bridge and the heritage trail and art walk.


Our Work: Reyburn and Bryant were responsible for obtaining resource consents for the Hatea loop and associated features. Reyburn and Bryant’s involvement with Te Matau a Pohe included processing the resource consent on behalf of the Whangarei District Council,  legalisation surveying and post construction monitoring.


Reyburn and Bryant’s involvement with the canopy bridge included topographical surveying, setout and obtaining resource consent. Our planners were also involved in obtaining resource consents for mangrove removal and dredging to improve the walkway aesthetics.
